
International review of the GLOBIO model version 3

Jul 24, 2007 | Reports

Review: GLOBIO3 is well suited to play an important role in biodiversity assessments.

In April 2005, a review committee gathered to assess the scientifically validity and policy-relevance of the GLOBIO3 model as part of the International Biodiversity project. Four members of the committee are scientists with a great experience in biological research assessing the GLOBIO3 model from a scientific perspective, while two members are working at UNEP assessing the model from a user’s perspective. Their judgment and recommendations are presented in this report.

The conclusions of the review committee are important in order to keep the modelling work scientifically sound as well as focussed on the major political key questions in the international arena. The review committee concluded the GLOBIO3 project is well suited to play an important role in providing information on understanding ongoing trends and depicting future trends in regional and global assessments. However, the scientific imbedding and acceptance has to improve, while, simultaneously, the dialogue with policy makers needs to be strengthened.

This report serves primarily as guidance for the Biodiversity International project but can also serve as an independent review on the validity of the model for any potential end user. Members of the committee were prof. Rik Leemans from Wageningen University, prof. Kevin Gaston from University of Sheffield, prof. Albert van Jaarsveld from University of Stellenbosch, John Dixon from CIMMYT, formerly from FAO, Jerry Harrison from UNEP-WMCM, and Marion Cheatle from UNEP-DEWA.

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Leemans R , Gaston KJ , Jaarsveld AS van , Dixon J , Harrison J , Cheatle ME

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